8-9 December 2017

Prof. Wojciech Maksymowicz

The University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland
USK Olsztyn, Poland

During study in Medical University in Warsaw working in research in Department of Physiology (prof. A. Trzebski, P. Szulczyk)  and in Department of Neurosurgery (prof. L. Stępień, J. Bidziński).  Graduated in 1980, specializing in neurosurgery and working in the Department of Neurosurgery as senior assistant and adjunct professor till 1992. He was trained in European Course in Neurosurgery –1988-1992. Doctor of Medical Sciences in 1988 and doctor of philosophy (habilitation) in 1994. Professor of Medicine – scientific title conferred by President of Republic – 2006. 

International cooperation realized thanks fellowship of British Councill and fellowship of University of Southampton in 1990. He also closely cooperated with Department of Restorative Neurology Baylor College of Medicine Houston (– studies on the treatment of spasticity using the epidural spinal cord stimulation – with prof. Dimitrijevic team) and with Department of Neurosurgery and Brain Research Center in the University of Cambridge in UK (with prof. John Pickard and prof. Marek Czosnyka). Prof. Maksymowicz had position of the head of department of Neurosurgery of Central Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration ––1998-2007 and since 2007 organized and heading the Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery of the Medical Faculty of University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, where he was the dean of faculty and actually has the position of Vice-Rector for the Medical School. He also coordinated the research activity as the head of the Laboratory of Stem Cells Research and the Division of the Innovative Neurophysiology and Neurosurgery.

His activity in the social movement and Trade Union  “Solidarity” during 80-is moved him to political activity and in years 1997-1999 he was member of Jerzy Buzekgovernment as the minister of Health and Social Affairs.

He is the President of Polish Neuromodulation Society and member of the Board of Directors International Neuromodulation Society. Since 2006 is the member of Council of Science of Ministry of Health of Republic of Poland.