Laureate of the Plebiscite | Fundacja Ewy Błaszczyk Akogo?

Laureate of the Plebiscite

Mrs. Ewa Błaszczyk, President of the "Akogo?" Foundation, laureate of the 1st edition of the 21 People Flexi Plebiscite for the 21st Century, in the Famous and Liked category, whose axis is active representatives of the Flexi Generation - people 50+.
The event, organized by - a job and activity portal for people aged 50+, honors and distinguishes active, vital and motivating people! Chapter composed of: Fr. Adam Boniecki, Prof. Dr hab. n. med. Anna Dobrzańska, Dariusz Duma, Agnieszka Holland, prof. Dr hab. med. Zbigniew Lew-Starowicz, Ilona Łepkowska, Tomasz Mikołajczak and Henryk Orfinger, honored Mrs. Ewa's achievements, including extraordinary activity in the area of ​​helping the needy, bringing hope to the sick and their families, while being an actress.