Thank you! (Andrzej Strzelecki) | Fundacja Ewy Błaszczyk Akogo?

Thank you! (Andrzej Strzelecki)

We were very sad to receive information about the death of Andrzej Strzelecki. He was an unwavering friend of „Akogo?” foundation, the director of our charity concerts: „Pozwólmy im się obudzić” in the Congress Hall (June 3rd 2004), „Kofta, Kreczmar, Janczarski” in the Camaldolese Underground (November 22th, 2007), „Pozwól mi spróbować jeszcze raz” in the Camaldolese Underground (November 26th, 2007).
Thank you for the good shown to us, from the whole heart of the foundation! Rest in peace [*]