Summary of „My close one in a coma. What do I need to know?” Online webinar | Fundacja Ewy Błaszczyk Akogo?

Summary of „My close one in a coma. What do I need to know?” Online webinar

As part of the celebration of the Polish Coma Patient Day on April 18th, this year on the initiative of Elżbieta Dróżdż-Kubicka, PhD, coordinator of the nursing team, „Alarm Clock” Clinic for children in Warsaw, editor of the textbook "Care for a patient with quantitative disorders of consciousness" in In cooperation with Agnieszka Rakowska, M.D., Ph.D., from the Department of Neurology, UWM, and „Alarm Clock” Clinic for adults in Warsaw, we organized an online webinar dedicated to all those who are looking for answers to the questions most frequently asked by patients' families and caregivers when their loved one - a child or adult - suddenly finds himself in a critical condition, in a coma in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). A stay in the intensive care unit (ICU) is a difficult and stressful time for the patient, his family and loved ones. Admission to the ICU means that the patient requires intensive monitoring, treatment and care. Throughout your stay, the patient will be cared for by a team of specialists who, to the best of their knowledge, will answer all your questions and provide you with support when you feel overwhelmed or lost.

But what if you don't know what questions you should ask specialists?

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