"Odważny Całkiem Nowy Świat" | Fundacja Ewy Błaszczyk Akogo?

"Odważny Całkiem Nowy Świat"

A month ago, we opened the "Alarm Clock" Clinic for adults at the Mazowiecki Bródnowski Hospital. On this occasion, we received song titled „Odważny Całkiem Nowy Świat" by Edyta Bartosiewicz.
It is a word and music piece performed by: Edyta Bartosiewicz, Marcin Wasilewski, Sławomir Leniart, Bogusław Pezda, Michał Grott, Max Psuj.
The creators decided to support our statutory activities by transferring proceeds from the exploitation of the recording.
As the author of the song herself says: "(...) The idea of ​​waking people up is beautiful (...)"
She told us about her latest album, about her life turns and that it is worth fighting for awakening and change.
We cordially encourage you to listen to the conversation with Edyta Bartosiewicz, intertwined with a music video for the song dedicated to us entitled. "Brave Brand New World”.