Warsaw School of Economics run | Fundacja Ewy Błaszczyk Akogo?

Warsaw School of Economics run

Last Sunday, the 11th Mokotowski SGH (Warsaw School of Economics) Run took place. A great event, dedicated this year to our Foundation.  
2,000 people took part in the 5 and 10 km run. There was also a 600 m run for children.
After the effort, participants could relax in the Running Village, where there were plenty of attractions for every age group.
We would like to congratulate the winners and the SGH Student Government for organizing the Run.
After the races, we received a symbolic check from the Rector of SGH Piotr Wachowiak with the amount of PLN 70,000 obtained thanks to the Run!

We would like to thank everyone who ran through the streets of Mokotów district and the fans who came in large numbers to the Rector's Gardens to spend a nice Sunday and support our activities.