„Światło” Foundation | Fundacja Ewy Błaszczyk Akogo?

„Światło” Foundation

At the beginning of the holidays, we also visited the "Światło" Foundation, which is our friend, a care and treatment facility for patients who require long-term care.
We talked about the difficult period of Covid and recreating contacts with the families of the patients, about the 80th recovered patient and plans for the future.
As the President of the Foundation, Mrs. Janina Mirończuk, told us - "(...) We must do something for the families of patients who have not recovered(...)"
During our visit, we also visited a new facility - the „Dom światła" Care Center.
The main goal of the project implemented in the Dom światła is to support family members or carers who take care of dependent people through the possibility of obtaining ad hoc, temporary help in the form of respite care.

Thank you for your hospitality and we salute your work!